
libby finlayson libby finlayson

Communication is hard, or is it?

Emotional maturity comes with life experience, time and understanding ourselves. When we have emotional maturity, we can regulate our emotions, understand them, let them flow as necessary and have better communication skills with others. We do not blame others for the way we feel but express how a situation has triggered our feelings. We can talk, listen and resolve. If we provide a safe space for each other to express feelings without judging, then getting heard becomes easier. If we trust that we cannot fix someone, but rather help them if they ask for it, then our help becomes invaluable.

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libby finlayson libby finlayson

Move your body and stay well!

Benefits of regular exercise:

  • exercise increases gut microbes that assist in the production of short-chain fatty acids. These fatty acids reduce the risk of inflammatory diseases as well as type 2 diabetes, obesity, and heart disease

  • exercise strengthens your heart and improves your circulation. The increased blood flow raises the oxygen levels in your body

  • regular exercise can also lower your blood pressure and triglyceride levels

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libby finlayson libby finlayson


Having a healthy relationship with food and our bodies automatically puts us in a positive vibe, giving us the tools to make the right food choices for our bodies and mind. Listening to our intuition and feeding ourselves what our bodies crave.

So what foods should we be eating? Well, whole foods of course!! Real food that is grown, pasture fed, (preferably chemical free) and intended by nature. The more vegetables we can consume in our diet the better off we will be. Small amounts of meat, fish and whole grains will help balance out our protein, fat and carb ratio.

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